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John Pawlikowski

Emeritius Professor of Social Ethics at the Catholic Theological Union, a constituent school of the Hyde Park Cluster of Theological Schools. CTU is also in a strategic alliance with DePaul University. Director of the Catholic-Jewish Studies Program in CTU’s Cardinal Joseph Bemardin Center. A priest of the Servite Order. Author/Editor of more than fifteen books including The Challenge of the Holocaust for Christian Theology; Christ in the Light of the Christian-Jewish Dialogue; Jesus and the Theology of Israel; Biblical and Theological Reflections on the “Challenge of Peace’; Justice in the Market-place: CTU’s Pastoral Commentary on the Bishops’ Letter on the Economy; The Ecological Challenge: Ethics, Liturgicaland Spiritual Responses; Reinterpreting Revelation and Tradition: Jews and Christians in Conversation; Good and Evel After Auschwitz: ; Ethics in the Shadow of the Holocaust; Two Faiths, One Covenant; Contesting Texts–Jews snd Christians in con-versation about the Bible; Drawing Honey from the Rock; Restating the Catholic Church’s Relationship with the Jewish People: The Challenge of Super-Sessionary Theology. Contributor tonumerous jouranls including Hong Konf Joumal of Catholic Studies, Theologi-cal Studies, Celebration, Catholic International, Theology Digest, The Ecumenist, Theologische Quart/isschrift, Moment, Istina, Cross Currents, Commonweal, U.S. Catholic, The Christian Century, America, Joumal of Jewish Studies, SHOFAR, Journal of Ecumeni-cal Studies, ZNAK, Joumal of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, The Polish Review, Polin, New Theology Review, Political Theology, and the Irish Theological Quarterly. Served for seven years as Editor of New Theology Review; serves on th editorial board of the Joumal of Ecumenical Studies, the Journal of Holocaust and Gnocide Studies and the Irish Theological Quarterly. His writings have been translated into Russian, Polish, German, French, Italian, Chinese, Spanish, Czech, Dutch, Hungarian and Portugese. Served for six years as President of the International Council of Christians & Jews. Appointed by Govemor Pat Quinn to the Illinois Holocaust and Genocide Commission. Served as a member of the Illinois Humanities Council including a term as Vice President Member of the Catholic Theological Society of America, the American Academy of Religion, the Society of Christian Ethics (past board member), the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences, the Booard of Trustees of the Council for the Parliament of the World’s Religions and the Executive Committee of Religions for Peace IJSA. Recently appointed as one of the representatives from the Council of the Parliament of the World’s Religions to the United Nations. Served two terms as Co-Chair of the National Polish American-Jewish American Council Appointed by President Carter to the United States Holocaust memorial Museum Council in 1980; Reappointed to three successive terms by Presidents Bush and Clinton. Currently serves on the Museum’s Committee on Ethics, Religion and the Holocaust as well as its Academic Committee. Served on the key committees responsible for the construction of the museum building and the development of its permanent exhibition. Instrumental in the creation of the museum’s Committee on Conscience. Served on the United States Governmental Committee (State Department, Interior
Department, and the U.S. military) which negotiated the completion of the UN Trust Territory of Micronesia for which the United States was given responsibility following World War Two. Selected by President Bush as a member of the White House delegation representing the President at the 50th Anniversary of the Intemational Commemoration at th Babi Yar Masscre site near Kiev, Ukraine, October 1991. Served for many years on the Advisory Committee on Catholic-Jewish Relations of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops as well as the Christian-Jewish Committee of the National Council of Churches; member of the Faiths in the World Com-mittee of the Catholic Association of Diocesan Ecumenical and Interreligious Officers. Has trevlled extensively throughout Europe and the Middle East, as well as in Latin America, Asia, Micronesia, Australia/New Zealand, the Caribbean and Africa. Member for four years of the Presbyterian/Reformed-Roman Catholic bilateral dialogue. Participant in several intemational gatherings including the Millennium Peace Summit at the United Nations, the United Nations Conference on Altemate Sources of Energy, the United Nations Conference on Human Trafficking, and the Assembly of World Religions for Peace in Kyoto. 1986 Recepient of “The Righteous Among the Nations Award” from the Holocaust Museum in Detroit, the 1989 Raoul Wallenberg Award; the Justice and Peace Award from the American Jewish Committe in 19931 the “Person of the Year Award” from the Polish Council of Christians & Jews in 1994; the NOSTRA AETATE Award from the Archdioces of Chicago in 1995; the Officers’ Cross of Merit for Distinguished Service to the Polish Nation from the govemment of Poland in 1995; the Etemal Flame Award from St. Leo University and the American Jewish Committee, 1999; the “Heart to Heart” Award from the Polish National Church, L:ublin, Poland, 2000; Named an “Illustrious Persopn” and Honorary Citizen of Montevideo by the City Council of Montevideo, Uruguay, 2001; Honored by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum with a Tribute Book in March 2011; Honorary Doctorate, Dominicam University, River Forest, IL; Honorary Doctorate from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion; Honorary Doctorate from Australian Catholic University; the Martin Luther King Award for Resisting Racism, NCCJ Chicago, 2006; ADL National Award; the NOSTRA AETATE Award, Seton Hill University; the Shevit Achaim from the Council of Centers for Christian-Jewish Relations; Enrolled in the College of Preachers and Scholars at the Martin Luther King Intemation Chapel at Morehouse College; Declared an Admiral of the Nebraska Navy by the Governor of Nebraska and a Kentucy Colonel by the Govemor of Kentucky. receipient of the John Courtney Murray Award from the Catholic Theological Society of America in 2014. Frequent appearances on radio/television in the U.S., including ABC, CBS, Swedish Radio, PBS, NPR, Fox News Network; the BBC; also media appearances in canada, Austria, Australia, South Africa, Israel, Poland and Vatican radio.lnvolved with Video Conferences on Interreligious Dialogue for the United States Department of State. Principal Theological consultant, U.S. Catholic Bishopsi Statement on Energy, 1991 Participant Speaker in Christian-Jewish-Muslim Dialogues in Spain, Rome, Indiana University, Istanbul and Haifa. Member for several years of the Islam
and the West Committee of the World Economic Forum. Spoke in a Christian-Jewish-Muslim dialogue within the context of Track Two Diplomacy at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California. Member of the Religion & Foreign Policy Group of the Council on Foreign Relations in NewYork. Instrumental in the development of the Corporate Responsibility Movement within the American Catholic Church. Invited Participant, several meetings of the World Economic Forum in New York and in Davos, Switzerland. Speaker and Official Observer, World Council of Churches General Assembly, Porto Alegre, Brazil; Speaker at the Parliaments of the World’s Religions in Chicago (1993), Cape Town (1999), Barcelona (2004), and Melboume (2009); Joined Pope Benedict XVI for the papal visit to the Birkenau Death Campin May2006. Chair, National Advisory Council, National Catholic Center for Holocaust Education,. Seton Hill University Fellowships at Wesley House and St. Edmund’s College, Cambridge University, Fall 20041 Visiting Professor, The Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), Spring 2008; Visiting Scholar, Franciscan School of Theology, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA, Feb.-May 2012. Elected Honorary President for Life, International Council of Christians & Jews (ICCJ) in 2914. Appeared in two documentaries )”Sister Rose’s Passion” and “Constantine’s Sword”). The former won the Trebeca Film Festival Award for Short Documentary (New York City) and was nominated for an Oscar in the same category. The latter film was screened throughout North America in art theaters. Awareded the inaugural Sr. Rose Thering Award by the Lux Center at the Sacred Heart School of theology in Hales Corners, WI which also conferred on him an honorary Doctorate of Ministry at its May 2018 Convocation. A FESTSCHRIFT in his honor was released by Paulist Press in August 2018 titled Righting Rela-tions After the Holocaust and Vatican II edited by Robert Cathey and Elena Procario-Foley.

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