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October PoWR Member Spotlight: Ruth Broyde Sharone

Ruth Broyde Sharone is a Jewish woman who champions interfaith engagement at every turn. She is a council member of NAIN (North American Interfaith Network) and a member of URI’s women’s group “WIN” Women’s International Network. She also is the creator of INTERFAITH: The Musical – a one-of-a-kind collection that reflects our multicultural, inter-religious reality.  

Ruth has been an active member of the Parliament for a long time, and has been to multiple Parliament Convenings, including the 2021 Virtual, 2018 Toronto, 2009 Melbourne, and 2004 Barcelona Convenings. She attended the 2023 Convening in Chicago, and she presented at several sessions, including “Saving Seeds & Storytelling for Survival: A Woman’s Perspective.” 


What does being a member of the Parliament of the World’s Religions mean to you?

“I experienced “Interfaith Paradise” and the actual possibility of achieving global peace for the first time at the 2004 Parliament in Barcelona. I also helped to organize 18 Pre-Parliament events around the globe when I served on the staff of the Parliament in 2008-09 and I have personally recruited 100 or more people to attend Parliament conferences.”

Why is interfaith work important to you? 

“It is at the core of my life work and my life mission to bring us closer to peaceful co-existence, through mutual respect, and “holy collaboration” as we confront the challenging issues facing us locally and globally.”

How do you try to advance the Parliament’s mission: of interfaith cooperation and creating a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world? 

I have always employed the Arts (music, film, dance, spoken word, poetry) to facilitate interfaith engagement. In my overarching goal to reach mainstream audiences and not just “preach to the choir,” and in an AHA moment, I created the musical, MEET ME THERE, The Interfaith Musical to be performed publicly. I released two albums of songs, in 2015 and 2022, and recently completed the libretto for the musical. I am now in the process of bringing it to the Big Stage and I am looking forward to sharing some of the songs at the upcoming Parliament in Chicago.”

What would you consider to be a best practice, resource, or knowledge you would like to share?

“How to Use the Alexander Technique for Difficult Conversations,” which can be found on my YouTube channel.

Include any resources you’d like to share

  • (friends who like Interfaith: The Musical),
  • (a video I created on the origin of the Parliament)
  • Five-minute showcase promo of the musical:

Connect with David at:

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Facebook:Interfaith: The Musical Facebook Page

Website: Interfaith: The Musical

YouTube: @rabsharone